divendres, 13 de febrer del 2009



The embed of this video is desactivated, so if you want to listen the song, you can go here.;)

I found God / He trobat a Déu
On the corner of First and Amistad / A la cantonada de "First and Amistad"
Where the west / On l'oest
Was all but won /Era tot pero va guanyar
All alone / tot sol
Smoking his last cigarette / Fumant el seu últim cigarret
I said, “Where you been?” / Jo vaig dir "On has estat?"
He said, “Ask anything.” / Ell va dir, " Preguntant qualsevol cosa."

Where were you / On t'estaves
When everything was falling apart? / Quan tot estava caient a trossets?
All my days / Tots els meus dies
Were spent by the telephone / Es van gastar per el telèfon
That never rang / Que mai va sonar
And all I needed was a call / Tot el que necessitava era una trucada
It never came / Que mai va arribar
To the corner of First and Amistad / A la cantonada de "First and Amistad"

Lost and insecure / Perdut i insegur
You found me, you found me / Em vas trobar, em vas trobar
Lying on the floor / Tirat en el terra
Surrounded, surrounded / Envoltat, envoltat
Why’d you have to wait? / Perquè has d'esperar?
Where were you, where were you? / On estàs, on estàs?
Just a little late / Nomès una mica tard
You found me, You found me / Tu em vas trobar, tu em vas trobar.

In the end / Al final
Everyone ends up alone / Tothom acaba sol
Losing her / Perdent-la
The only one who’s ever known / La única que coneix
Who I am / Qui sóc
Who I’m not, and who I want to be / Qui no sóc i qui vull ser
No way to know / No hi ha forma de saber-ho
How long she will be next to me / Quant de temps ella estarà al meu costat.

Lost and insecure / Perdut i insegur
You found me, you found me / Em vas trobar, em vas trobar
Lying on the floor / Tirat en el terra
Surrounded, surrounded / Envoltat, envoltat
Why’d you have to wait? / Perquè has d'esperar?
Where were you, where were you? / On estàs, on estàs?
Just a little late / Nomès una mica tard
You found me, You found me / Tu em vas trobar, tu em vas trobar.

Early morning / Al matí aviat
The city breaks / La ciutat es trenca
I’ve been calling / Jo vaig estar trucant
For years and years and years and years / Per anys i anys i anys i anys
And you never left me no messages / I tu mai em vas deixar un missatge
You never sent me no letters / Tu mai m'enviaves cartes
You got some kind of nerve / Tens algun tipus de nervi
Taking all I want / Agafant tot el que jo vull.

Lost and insecure / Perdut i insegur
You found me, you found me / Em vas trobar, em vas trobar
Lying on the floor / Tirat en el terra
Where were you, where were you? / On estàs, on estàs?

Lost and insecure / Perdut i insegur
You found me, you found me / Em vas trobar, em vas trobar
Lying on the floor / Tirat en el terra
Surrounded, surrounded / Envoltat, envoltat
Why’d you have to wait? / Perquè has d'esperar?
Where were you, where were you? / On estàs, on estàs?
Just a little late / Nomès una mica tard
You found me, You found me / Tu em vas trobar, tu em vas trobar.

Why’d you have to wait / Perquè m'has d'esperar
To find me, to find me? / per trobar-me, per trobar-me?

falling apart: trossets
lying: estirat (en aquest cas)
surrounded: envoltat


Ariadna ha dit...

Hi Laura!
I like a lot this song! This group has some other songs that I love!
Well, I'm going to do some homework...agrhh!
See you tomorrowww carrrrrera!;P


Júlia ha dit...

I love this song Lauraa! There were some days when I was listening to it the whole day!lool I like so much this group, The Fray. I have they first album and I'm waiting for this second one.
see you tomorrow honey:)