dimecres, 18 de febrer del 2009



Here, you have the videos. I don't know what happened when Laura was recording us, but the video is divided in two parts.
This is the first:

And the second:

1. Did you use any resources? Yes, powerpoint and videos from youtube.
2. Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes.

Body language and eye contact:
3. Did you look at your audience most of the time? Not all the time, but I tried to do it.
4. Did you read from your notes? A little.
5. Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of you audience? A little.

6. Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes.
7. Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? Yes.

8. Did you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? Yes.
9. Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books? Yes.
10. Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? A little of everything, but generally was detailed.

11. Did you use check your grammar? Yes.
12. Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? Yes.
13. Did you use sentence linkers? A little.
14. Did you use fillers? A little.

Pronunciation & Intonation:
15. Did you know how to pronunce all you words?
Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Yes, all of them.
16. Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? The same tone all the time.
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? With breaks and interruptions. I was nervious a lot.

I think that this second oral presentation was worst than the firtst, I don't know why, because I prepared it like, or more, than the firts.

Write down a LITERAL TRNASCRIPTION of your presentation.

Introduction; Pau.

History; Roger.

ECONOMY; Well, I will speak about the economy of South Africa that it's the most bigger in Africa, and plays an important paper in the developement of the region. Well, the south african economy posses a great volum of the national capital public and private. The monetary system of South Africa it's the Rand, that it's divisible in 100 cents, whichs is used also in other countries of the Montetary Common area of South Africa.
Johannesburg market is one of the biggest markets of Africa and it's situated in South Africa.
Another important secotr of south africa its the mining industry especially extraction of coal, minerals and precious metals, like diamonds, gold and platinum
Well, South Africa is one of the countries with major reserves of diversity of richness, it has got a lot of mining. South Africa is the most industrial powerful and diversified of the whole African region.
An important point of South Africa is that it has a lot of natural parks, so a lot of people of around the world come to South Africa for see the nature.

Politics; Roger.

Festivals; Pau.

LANGUAGES; Well, now, I will speak about the languages that are speaked in South Africa. As you can see on the presentation of Power Point, there is a list of the languages wrote with a colour that are painted in the map. There are eleven official languages around the country and the most spoken are Zulu, in a 23'8%, Xhosa, whith a 17'6% and Afrikaans with a 13'3%.
It's the second country below India that have the most number of official languages.
Also, the government recognizes eigh no official languages, that are Fangalo, Khoe, Lobedu, Namai, Northern, Ndebele's, Phuti and San.
In South Africa there are white people that are Europeans and they speak Portuguese, German and Greek, and also there are Indian and Asian people that speak asian languages, like Telugu, Hindi, Gujarati and Tamil.

Geography; Roger.

Food and Drink; Pau.

MUSIC; The South African music scene has continued to flouris in the 2000s. One of the most popular choral group of South Africa is Ladysmith Black Mambazo, and it's this photo, they are the choral group. Their las single is Ilembe.
The music scene in South Africa is focused around four major areas, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Bloemfontein. One of the characteristics of this areas are the strong sense of community which sees artist.
Bloemfontein's music focus is centred predominantly arount the metal and Afrikaans genres.
Well, South Africa has several annual music festivals including, MotherFudd, Oppikoppi and Splashy fen. The music festivals cater to different genres and styles of music.

Sports; Pau.

Check your Language and Structure. Can you correct your mistakes?
Well, about this oral presentation I think that I must correct a lot of things, so I don't know what happened when I went to the before the people who want to listen me, I started to get nervous and I forgot all the things that I must say, so read a little. I hope that the last presentation of this year will be better than this, beucause I think that it was a disaster; for my part, not for Pau and Roger.;)

Now, if you want, you can look our PowerPoint.

divendres, 13 de febrer del 2009




The embed of this video is desactivated, so if you want to listen the song, you can go here.;)

I found God / He trobat a Déu
On the corner of First and Amistad / A la cantonada de "First and Amistad"
Where the west / On l'oest
Was all but won /Era tot pero va guanyar
All alone / tot sol
Smoking his last cigarette / Fumant el seu últim cigarret
I said, “Where you been?” / Jo vaig dir "On has estat?"
He said, “Ask anything.” / Ell va dir, " Preguntant qualsevol cosa."

Where were you / On t'estaves
When everything was falling apart? / Quan tot estava caient a trossets?
All my days / Tots els meus dies
Were spent by the telephone / Es van gastar per el telèfon
That never rang / Que mai va sonar
And all I needed was a call / Tot el que necessitava era una trucada
It never came / Que mai va arribar
To the corner of First and Amistad / A la cantonada de "First and Amistad"

Lost and insecure / Perdut i insegur
You found me, you found me / Em vas trobar, em vas trobar
Lying on the floor / Tirat en el terra
Surrounded, surrounded / Envoltat, envoltat
Why’d you have to wait? / Perquè has d'esperar?
Where were you, where were you? / On estàs, on estàs?
Just a little late / Nomès una mica tard
You found me, You found me / Tu em vas trobar, tu em vas trobar.

In the end / Al final
Everyone ends up alone / Tothom acaba sol
Losing her / Perdent-la
The only one who’s ever known / La única que coneix
Who I am / Qui sóc
Who I’m not, and who I want to be / Qui no sóc i qui vull ser
No way to know / No hi ha forma de saber-ho
How long she will be next to me / Quant de temps ella estarà al meu costat.

Lost and insecure / Perdut i insegur
You found me, you found me / Em vas trobar, em vas trobar
Lying on the floor / Tirat en el terra
Surrounded, surrounded / Envoltat, envoltat
Why’d you have to wait? / Perquè has d'esperar?
Where were you, where were you? / On estàs, on estàs?
Just a little late / Nomès una mica tard
You found me, You found me / Tu em vas trobar, tu em vas trobar.

Early morning / Al matí aviat
The city breaks / La ciutat es trenca
I’ve been calling / Jo vaig estar trucant
For years and years and years and years / Per anys i anys i anys i anys
And you never left me no messages / I tu mai em vas deixar un missatge
You never sent me no letters / Tu mai m'enviaves cartes
You got some kind of nerve / Tens algun tipus de nervi
Taking all I want / Agafant tot el que jo vull.

Lost and insecure / Perdut i insegur
You found me, you found me / Em vas trobar, em vas trobar
Lying on the floor / Tirat en el terra
Where were you, where were you? / On estàs, on estàs?

Lost and insecure / Perdut i insegur
You found me, you found me / Em vas trobar, em vas trobar
Lying on the floor / Tirat en el terra
Surrounded, surrounded / Envoltat, envoltat
Why’d you have to wait? / Perquè has d'esperar?
Where were you, where were you? / On estàs, on estàs?
Just a little late / Nomès una mica tard
You found me, You found me / Tu em vas trobar, tu em vas trobar.

Why’d you have to wait / Perquè m'has d'esperar
To find me, to find me? / per trobar-me, per trobar-me?

falling apart: trossets
lying: estirat (en aquest cas)
surrounded: envoltat

dijous, 12 de febrer del 2009



It's amazing how you
/ És sorprenent com tu
can speak right to my heart. / pots parlar directe al meu cor.
Without saying a word, /sense dir una paraula,
you can light up the dark / tu pots il·luminar la fosocor
Try as I may / Per molt que ho intenti
I could never explain / no puc trobar-hi una explicació
what I hear when / el que sento quan
you don't say a thing. / tu no dius res.

The smile on your face / El somriure a la teva cara
lets me know that you need me, / em fa saber que tu em necessites,
There's a truth in your eyes / Hi ha una sinceritat en els teus ulls
saying you'll never leave me / dient que tu mai em deixaràs
The touch of your hand / La força de la teva mà
says you'll catch me / diu que m'agafaràs
when ever I fall / sempre que caigui.
You say it best, / Tu dius el millor,
when you say nothing at all / quan no dius res.

All day long I can hear / Durant tot el dia puc sentir
people talking out loud / gent parlant alt.
But when you hold me near, / Però quan tu m'abraçes
you drown out the crowd / no puc sentir la multitud.
Try as they may / Per molt que ho intentin
they can never define / ells mai podrien dir
what's been said between / que s'han estat dien entre
your heart and mine. / el teu cor i el meu.

The smile on your face / El somriure a la teva cara
lets me know that you need me, / em fa saber que tu em necessites,
There's a truth in your eyes / Hi ha una sinceritat en els teus ulls
saying you'll never leave me / dient que tu mai em deixaràs
The touch of your hand / La força de la teva mà
says you'll catch me / diu que m'agafaràs
when ever I fall / sempre que caigui.
You say it best, / Tu dius el millor,
when you say nothing at all / quan no dius res.

The smile on your face / El somriure a la teva cara
lets me know that you need me, / em fa saber que tu em necessites,
There's a truth in your eyes / Hi ha una sinceritat en els teus ulls
saying you'll never leave me / dient que tu mai em deixaràs
The touch of your hand / La força de la teva mà
says you'll catch me / diu que m'agafaràs
when ever I fall / sempre que caigui.
You say it best, / Tu dius el millor,
when you say nothing at all / quan no dius res.

You say it best when you say nothing at all / Dius el millor quan no dius res
You say it best when you say nothing at all. / Dius el millor quan no dius res.

The smile on your face / El somriure a la teva cara
The truth in your eyes / La sinceritat dels teus ulls
The touch of your hand / La força de la teva mà
Let's me know that you need me. / Em diuen que em necessites.

You say it best when you say nothing at all / Dius el millor quan no dius res
You say it best when you say nothing at all. / Dius el millor quan no dius res.

I really like this song, and also it brings me a lot of really good memories, so I hope you like it;).