Canada and Russia arctic coasts, were both free of ice, allowing ships to circumnavigate the northern icecap. The tipping point was the raced-toss of ice last year, reaching a level not expected until 2050, while a blessing for international shipping.
Cutting the trip from Germany to Japan by 4000 miles, according to one company the trend indicates that predictions of global warming are occurring such sooner than generally expected.”
Catalonia Today, September 2008, Thursday 11, nº 302.
If you want to read my opinion:
This article is about the global warming. About this topic, I think that every minute that pass, the ozone layer is worst, so I think that we must control everything related with this,. For example, sometimes, we took the car for go to the supermarket, when it’s five minutes walking of our home. If we don’t control things like that, the world could finish very bad.
I know that it’s difficult renounce to your comforts for save a little bit the planet, and normally people think: “I do it, but if the other people don’t do the same like me, it’s no point that I do it, so I finish doing it.” Maybe there are a lot of people that have this think, so I think that if all of us put a little of our part, we can do something important, and we can save a little bit the planet.
Renounce: renunciar.
Comforts: comoditats.
No point: inútil.
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