diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2008


Questions for preparing Martin Luther King's text:

1. What rigths did black people have in the UThew werSA in the 1960's?
They didn't have any rights.

2. What was "segregation"?
Black and White people must be repartated in a lot of places: buses, beaches, churchs... and when a black person was found in a place for white people, he was arrested. In the train and buses black people must leave their seat to white people.

3. What did states as Georgia, Mississippi or Alabama have in common in the 1960's?
They were segregationit states.

4. Who were the "Piligrims"?
They were the irst english people who arrived in America.

What is a "spiritual"?
A spiritual is a song that sing black people in their religions congregations.

Rooted: radical
Rise up: Aixecar
Creed: creença
Hold: aguantar
Swelter: acalorar
Heat: calor
Rough: aspre
Crooked: encurvat
Straight: en línia recta
Flesh: gènere humà
Despair: desesperança
Hope: esperança

Questions for preparing Barack Obama's text:

1. When did women get the right to vote in the United States?
Women get the right to vote in 1917.

2. What was the "New Deal"?
Is an slogan used by Roasvelt as a creed in electrons in 1932.

3. Paragraph 6 refers to "the bombs" fallin on "our harbor". Which bombs and which harbor is B. Obama referring to?
Japanese bombs in Pearlt harbor.

4. What was the "Montgomery bus boycott"?
Black people didn't catch buses because police had arrested a black woman who didn't want give her seat to a white man.

5. To know who the "preacher form Atlanta" was, check.
The Preacher from Atlanta was Martin Luther King.

6. When did the Berlin wall fall down?
The Berlin wall felt down in 1989.

7. What happened in the Edmund Pettus Bridge, outside Selma, in 1965?
It was here that rights marchers were vidently confronted by law enforcement on March 7, 1965. The day became known as Bloody Sunday.

8. To understand the reference to the Birmingham hoses, check:
The Birmingham hoses were used to protect themselves from firemen with hight pressure water hoses.


Ballot: papereta de votar
Cast a ballot: tirar el seu vot
Slavery: esclavitud
Creed: creença
Despair: desesperança
Conquer: vencer
Witness: testimoni
Preacher: predicador
Sum up: recapitular/resumir