dissabte, 15 de novembre del 2008



1. Did you use any resources? Yes, powerpoint.
2. Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes.

Body language and eye contact:
3. Did you look at your audience most of the time? Not most of the time, but yes.
4. Did you read from your notes? A little.
5. Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of you audience? A little.

6. Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes.
7. Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? A little.

8. Did you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? Yes.
9. Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books? Yes.
10. Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? A little of everything.

11. Did you use check your grammar? Yes.
12. Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? Yes.
13. Did you use sentence linkers? A little.
14. Did you use fillers? A little.

Pronunciation & Intonation:
15. Did you know how to pronunce all you words? Yes.
Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Yes, all of them.
16. Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? The same tone all the time.
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? With breaks and interruptions.

If I was the teacher, I would put a maximum of 6.

Write down a LITERAL TRNASCRIPTION of your presentation.
Hello, my name is Laura and I'm gonna want to speak about Hapiness. I'm the first of do the oral presentation so I'm a little nervous.
Well, I will start with the definition of happiness that it's my topic.
Hapiness is an emotion that express your feelings in a concret moment of your life with laughs and good moments.
We are sometimes happy because we like the world around us or we feel good with ourselves for example when we stay with our friends, when we pass a hard exam, when happens something that make us very satisfaid.
We can't be always in a permanent state of happiness or sadness. Our brain alows short moments of hapiness or sadness. He can't tolerate be happy or sadness forever.
As you can see in the graphic I think that it's incorrect because we can stay sad and two minutes later stat very happy... I'm not saying that it's impossible, but I don't believe in it.
I think that it's the best state of mind because you aren't happy but your aren't sad.
We can't live in a roller coaster of emotions, we need a medium state.
Usually happiness drives to the optimist. I think that it's better to be optimist than pessimist because you can look you life in another point of view and everything could be better.
If you think I can, I can, I can... you would can, and if you think I can't, I can't, I can't you would can't.
In the world, not all the countries have the same degree of happiness, as you can see in the map, the countries that have green and blue colors, are happiness than the others, like Australia, New Zeland, Canada, United States are more happiness than subdeveloped countries.
I think that the people that are from developed countries are happy because they mustn't worry about necessities like food or a place to sleep everynight.
I think that the money doesn't drive to the happines, but you feel better thinking that you mustn't worry about it.
I choose to talk about this topic because now we are in the one of the best periodes of our lives.
Because we don't have any preocupation, we must study, enjoy ourselves and be happy.

Check your Language and Structure. Can you correct your mistakes?
In my next oral presentation I think that I must be more calm, and don't be nervous.
I must look more the people that are listening me, and use more sentence linkers, more fillers...
I think that if my oral presentation was more longer, it can be better.
I believe that these are the big mistakes in my oral presentation, so in the next, I will try to improve them in the maximum as I can.

Now, if you want, you can look my PowerPoint.