dimecres, 10 de desembre del 2008


54, Avinguda Onze de Setembre
Sant Pere Pescador

I.E.S Castelló d'Empúries
Rentador Street
Castelló d'Empúries

9th, December 2008

Dear Ms. Pintó,
I want to write a letter to you to show the negative and positive points about our school.
About the negative points, I think that the walls could be more colorful and more decorated, because everything is grey. This colour makes us pessimist when we come into the school. Maybe, if the playground was not full of sand, and was full of grass the school will be nicer.
About the positive points, I thinkt that it is a good idea the "tamagochis", because the parents of the classmates can control better his sons and daughters. About the batxillerat classes, do not have class in the afternoon is a good point, because we have more time to do our homework and study more hard.
Well, apart from negative points, I think that this school is not really bad, so it has points that will be able to change to positive and it will be better.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerly,

Laura Carrera.