dissabte, 28 de març del 2009



I don't know what you're looking for / No sé què és el que estàs buscant
You haven't found it baby, thats for sure / No ho has trobat noi, això segur
You rip me off, you spread me all around / Tu em rasques, em separes de tot els voltants
In the dust of a deartide? / En la pols feta per del temps
And this is no case of lust you see / I aquest no és un cas de luxúria, tu ho veus
It's not a matter of you versus me / No és una qüestió de tu contra mi
It's fine the way you want to be on your own / És bona la forma que tu tens de tenir-me amb tu
But in the end it's always me alone / Però al final sempre estic jo sola

I'm losing my favourite game / Estic perdent el meu joc preferit
You're losing your mind again / Tu estàs perdent la teva ment altre vegada
I'm losing my baby, losing my favourite game / Estic perdent el meu nen, perdent el meu joc preferit

I only know what I've been working for / Jo només se perquè hi he estat treballant
I know you so I could love you more / Jo sé que et podria haver estimat més
I really thought that I could take you there / Jo realment em pensva que et podria portar allà
But... nice termin??? - is not getting us anywhere / Però... bon final? no ens està portant a cap lloc
I had a vision I could turn you right / Jo vaig tenir una visió que et podia fer cambiar
A stupid mission and a letal fight / Una estúpida missió i una batalla letal
I should have seen it when my hope was new / Jo ho hauria d'haver vist quan la meva esperança era nova
My heart is black and my body is blue / El meu cor és negre i el meu cos és blau

And I'm losing my favourite game / I jo estic perdent el meu joc preferit
You're losing your mind again / Tu estàs perdent la teva ment un altre cop
I'm losing my favourite game / Jo estic perdent el meu joc preferit
You're losing your mind again / Tu estàs perdent la teva ment un altre cop

I'm losing my baby, losing my favoutite game / Estic perdent el meu nen, perdent el meu joc preferit
I'm losing my favourite game / Esitc perdent el meu joc preferit
You're losing your mind again / Tu estàs perdent la teva ment un altre cop
I try but you're still the same / Jo ho intento pero tu segueixes igual
I'm losing my baby / Jo estic perdent el meu nen
You're losing a saviour and saint / Tu estàs perdent una salvadora i una santa


you rip me off: em rasques
you spread me: em separes

dimecres, 25 de març del 2009



Catalonia it’s a region which it’s proud of his products. There are a lot of very high quality products around Catalonia that are delicious. There are a lot of fruit and vegetable.

Firstly, we can find the “Calçots de Valls”, that are a type of little onions that are originally from the Alt Cap and Baix Cap, two different regions of Catalonia. The time when people eat this type of food it’s on January.

Also, in Delta de l’Ebre, in the South of Catalonia, we can find the rice, because it’s a really good zone to cultivate it. Rice has always been a feature of popular festivals in the surrounding area and in the gastronomy of the region. Also, we can find rice in Baix Empordà, in Pals.

Other important vegetables cultivated in Catalonia are potatoes and beans. The best high quality potatoes are from Prades, situated on the Baix Camp. The people of Prades said that their potatoes aren't easily forgotten. The Potato Day is in September. Other place where you can find really good potatoes is in Osona.

Others important products of Catalonia are the beans. The most common beans in Catalonia are Ganxet and Santa Pau. They are from El Vallès and El Maresme. In these zones of Catalonia there are farms growing this type of beans. Santa Pau’s beans grow in volcanic earth and can be tried in numerous restaurants in this zone.

About the fruit, we can find excellent fruit in our region, Girona. To be precise, these fruits are apples. Also, in Ribera d’Ebre we can find really good peaches, and in Lleida, we can find excellent pears.

Apart from all these products, we mustn’t forget, for example, the artichokes of the Baix Llobregat that are renowned for their excellent flavour and quality.

This new is extracted from this link.


Artichokes: carxofes
Renowned: reconegut


Fritzl, 73, was found guilty of all charges against him, including rape, incest, murder and enslavement.
He's condemned in a life imprisonment.
He had his daughter in a cellar, he had sexual relations with her and even, he had daughters and sons with her.
The court ordered that Fritzl should serve his life sentence in a secure psychiatric facility. If in a few years after he will be better, he would be able to go in a normal prison, not in a psychiatric prison.

Below, you can see the genealogic tree of Fritzl and his daughter:

This new it’s extracted from this link.


Guilty: culpable
Cellar: soterrani
Court: tribunal

dimarts, 3 de març del 2009



In Barcelona's zoo, one year ago died an elephant, that was Susi's friend. Now Susi is alone in the Barcelona's zoo. Her only companion, Alice, died in February 2008. Now, she has got an area of just over 1000 m² and she is depressed. She doesn't do nothing. She doesn't eat nothing from the visitors, she doesn't play with her toys...
The experts said that these symptoms reveal that Susi is in depression and anxiety.
Susi is in Barcelona's zoo since 2002. She was born in the wild Africa 36 years ago.
The Libera's association has begun collecting signatures for took Susi from Barcelona's Zoo and bring this elephant in a place where she feels good.

This new is extracted from this link.


anxiety: ansietat

dilluns, 2 de març del 2009


Bad day-Daniel Powter

Where is the moment when we need it the most / On està el moment quan més el necessitem
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost / Tu puntejes les fulles amb el peu i la màgia està perduda
They tell me your blue sky's faded to grey / Ells m'expliquen que el teu cel blau s'ha descolorit al gris
They tell me your passion's gone away / Ells m'expliquen que la teva passió es va escapar
And I don't need no carrying on / I jo no necessito no continuar

Stand in the line just ahead of the law / De peu a la línia prop de la llei
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go / Tu estas fingint un somriure amb el cafè que tu vas
You tell me your life's been way off line / Tu em dius que la teva vida ha estat apagada
You're falling to pieces every time / Tu estas caiguent a peçes cada moment
And I don't need no carrying on / Jo no necessito no continuar

Cause you had a bad day / Perquè tu has tingut un mal dia
You're taking one down / Tu estas baix de moral
You sing a sad song just to turn it around / Tu cantes una cançó trista
You say you don't know / Tu dius que no ho saps
You tell me don't lie / Tu em dius que no menteixes
You work at a smile and you go for a ride / Tu treballes un somriure i vas a donar un passeig
You had a bad day / Tu has tingut un mal dia
The camera don't lie / La càmara no menteix
You're coming back down and you really don't mind / Tu t'estàs enfonsant i relment no t'importa
You had a bad day / Tu has tingut un mal dia
You had a bad day / Tu has tingut un mal dia

Well you need a blue sky holiday / D'acord, tu necessites unes vacances amb un cel blau
The point is they laugh at what you say / El punt és ells rien del que tu dius
And I don't need no carrying on / I jo no necessito no continuar

You had a bad day / Perquè tu has tingut un mal dia
You're taking one down / Tu estas baix de moral
You sing a sad song just to turn it around / Tu cantes una cançó trista
You say you don't know / Tu dius que no ho saps
You tell me don't lie / Tu em dius que no menteixes
You work at a smile and you go for a ride / Tu treballes un somriure i vas a donar un passeig
You had a bad day / Tu has tingut un mal dia
The camera don't lie / La càmara no menteix
You're coming back down and you really don't mind / Tu t'estàs enfonsant i relment no t'importa
You had a bad day / Tu has tingut un mal dia
You had a bad day / Tu has tingut un mal dia

Sometimes the system goes on the blink / A vegades el sistema comença a parpellejar
and the whole thing it turns out wrong / i totes les coses es converteixen en equivocacions
You might not make it back and you know / Tu no podríes tornar i tu saps
that you could be well oh that strong / que tu podríes estar be, oh que fort
Well I'm not wrong / Jo no estic equivocat.

So where is the passion when you need it the most / On està la passió quan més la necessites
Oh you and I /Oh tu i jo
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost / Tu puntejes les fulles amb el peu i la màgia està perduda
Cause you had a bad day / Perquè tu has tingut un mal dia
You're taking one down / Tu estas baix de moral
You sing a sad song just to turn it around / Tu cantes una cançó trista
You say you don't know / Tu dius que no ho saps
You tell me don't lie / Tu em dius que no menteixes
You work at a smile and you go for a ride / Tu treballes un somriure i vas a donar un passeig
You had a bad day / Tu has tingut un mal dia
The camera don't lie / La càmara no menteix
You're coming back down and you really don't mind / Tu t'estàs enfonsant i relment no t'importa
You had a bad day / Tu has tingut un mal dia
You had a bad day / Tu has tingut un mal dia
You had a bad day / Tu has tingut un mal dia

Kick up: donar una puntada amb el peu
Fade: descolorir
Ahead: proper
faking: fingint
blink: parpellejar



Frankie Dunn, the protagonist of the film, has trained and represented the best boxers in his boxer life. The most important lesson that he has taught to his boxers is the motto that guides his own life: “above all, first, protect yourself”. After a painful separation of his daughter, Frankie has been incapable for a long time to get closer to another person. His only friend is Scrap, an exboxer who cares Frankie’s gym.
One day appears Maggie Fitzgerald in his gym. Maggie knows what she wants, and she is prepared to do whatever to get her objective: be a boxer.

Incapable: incapaç
To get closer: apropar-se
Prepared: disposada


Always, when we do our texts, we make mistakes. There are a lot of common mistakes with us, so I will put some of them.
Sometimes, we can confuse these words: dead (the adjective), died (the noun) and death (the verb). For example, died people it’s incorrect, we must put dead people. It was a common mistake in Frankenstein’s exam. I think that I was one of the persons who did this mistake.
Like the previous mistake, we confuse life (the noun) with live (the verb), and I think that I’m one of the persons who did this mistake too! We must have clear that the plural of life is lives.
Another common mistake with us is the demostratives. Sometimes we change this with these, for example this investigations it’s incorrect, and we must put these investigations.
When we expose our opinions, sometimes, we did this mistake: I’m agree with…, and we must put I agree with. I recognize that I was one of the persons that did this mistake, but I use it usually, so I think that I improved this mistake. Now, when I write something I remember it, and I don’t do this mistake.
At the beginning, when we didn’t know anything about the connecting files, we put “on the one hand”, and now, we know that we must put,” on the other hand”, because usually, we use this connector and we know a little bit more about connecting files.
Well, I think that these mistakes are the more important that we did in this second term, and we commented in class, so I decided to do a revision to improve more all these mistakes.


In these moments, there are a lot of people who his dream is to be a famous. The first impression that all the people have about the famous people are that they have a lot of money, but being a celebrity doesn’t have only positive points.

First of all, the best points that celebrities have is that they have a lot of money. Mainly, this is the point that does that all the people want to be a celebrity. Moreover, they have big houses, a lot of expensive things; they travel around the world without thinking with the money that it will cost.

Apart from the advantages they didn’t have private life. Always they have persons who are following them. Furthermore, the press invents things that aren’t real, for example, when a famous going out with a friend, the press always does suppositions, like: A new partner is here!, when the celebrities, the only thing that they are doing it’s meet with their friends.

In my opinion, I think that being a celebrity it’s bad, because if you can’t have private life, and be happy with your family without interruptions, it isn’t a good life. I prefer don’t have a lot of money and have more private life than celebrities.

Mainly: principalment
Press: premsa