dissabte, 11 d’octubre del 2008


Julia and Pere were a couple of catalan people who went to New York for work. They spend two weeks searching a flat, but they didn't find nothing. Meanwhile they stayed in a cheap hotel in the suburbs of New York, when their work was in the middle of the city.
One day, when the couple went to work, they saw in the newspaper an interesting advertising. A big flat in the center of the city, in the most popular city district, was offered for a very low price. They were surprised and they phoned to the state agend immediately.
They moved to the flat quickly, and they were very happy.
Everything began when they went to sleep. During the night, they heard a little noise in their bedroom. The first weeks, they didn't worry about it. Every night, the sound was higher. Julia was afraid, but Pere laughed . One day, when Pere was having a shower, Julia wanted to discover the origin of the noise. She searched around the bedroom, and when she looked under the bed, she began to cry. Pere heard her, and when he wanted to went out of the bathroom, suddenly, the door was closed. He couldn't open it. Julia was crying a lot because she saw an awful elf playing with little glass balls. He looked her with eyes full of hate. She didn't stop to cry, and the elf started to run around and threwing the little glass balls to her. The elf put into the balls all of his hate, and they killed Julia. The elf returned under the bed and Pere could open the door. In the bedroom he saw Julia dead on the floor covered of blood.