dijous, 16 d’octubre del 2008


Two friends, Laura and Laura, will go to shopping in the afternoon. They are talking by phone and meet for one hour.

[Riiiinnng, Riiiinngg]

Laura Penkert: Hello?
Laura Carrera: Hi! I'm Laura! How are you?
Laura Penkert: Oh, very well, and you?
Laura Carrera: Good as well. I wanted to ask you if you want come shopping this afternoon with me.
Laura Penkert: Yes, of course! I wasn't doing anything today! What time?
Laura Carrera: Mmm... I don't know... at four?
Laura Penkert: Ok! Let's meet at the bus station.
Laura Carrera: Yes, see you later!
Laura Penkert: Bye!

[...] One and a half hour later...

Laura Carrera: Laura! I'm here!
Laura Penkert: Oh! Sorry... I'm a bit late, did you have to wait for a long time?
Laura Carrera: Don't worry! I've just arrived.
Laura Penkert: Well, let's look what the new fashion is!
Laura Carrera: Ok, where shall we start?
Laura Penkert: Let's just keep going.

[...] When they are walking around the city...

Laura Carrera: Oh! Look at this t-shirt! I really like it! Let's go into the shop!
Laura Penkert: Yes, I love it to! Laura, Laura! Come! Look at this. Do you think that this trousers would suit me?
Laura Carrera: Yes, of course! Go and try them on!
Laura Penkert: And you take the t-shirt!
Laura Carrera: You look wonderful with this trousers Laura! You must buy them!
Laura Penkert: And I love your t-shirt as well. ;)
Laura Carrera: Let's pay and go to another shop.

[...] After to pay, when they are walking...

Laura Penkert: We don't need to go into this one. Everything is too trendy. I don't like it!
Laura Carrera: Yes, we must! I love this brand and this type of clothes!
Laura Penkert: If you want it...
Laura Carrera: I'm going to buy this trousers and this two sweatshirts.
Laura Penkert: You are mad! How can you spend so much money on this horrible things?
Laura Carrera: Don't complain my style please!
Laura Penkert: Ok, sorry, but now, let's go and drink something. It's enought shopping for today.
Laura Carrera: Good, I'm thirsty too and I'm happy with my new clothes.